You should never feel unsafe in your workplace; nor should you feel unsure of ashamed when it comes to standing up for yourself. However, sexual harassment in the workplace is unfortunately common. Employees are protected under both state and federal laws from all types of discrimination and harassment.

If your rights have been violated, turn to our legal team at the Sam Nicholson Law Office, PLLC. Our attorney knows how to best fight for your rights. We provide professional yet approachable representation to clients pursuing sexual harassment lawsuits against their employers throughout the state.

We know that this can be a delicate issue. These matters can be resolved privately and confidentially, and our team always acts with dignity and discretion when it comes to protecting you. The Sam Nicholson Law Office, PLLC, can help.

What Constitutes Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment in the workplace is defined as any unwelcome sexual conduct that creates an uncomfortable, hostile, or offensive working environment.

Some examples of sexual harassment include:

  • Asking for sexual favors in order to keep a job or obtain a promotion
  • Making sexual comments about coworkers
  • Telling sexually explicit jokes or engaging in other discussions sexual in nature
  • Touching inappropriately against a coworker’s will
  • Sending sexually explicit emails

Sexual harassment can come from a supervisor, manager or coworker. It can also happen between people of the same or opposite sex.

Legally, sexual harassment is usually placed into one of two categories:

  • Quid pro quo. This occurs when an employee’s job or promotion is threatened based on whether or not they engage in sexual activity with a supervisor. If the employee then reports the behavior and is subsequently fired, this could also turn into a wrongful termination lawsuit.
  • Hostile work environment. When a co-worker or supervisor makes sexual advances or comments, it can make the work environment hostile, causing others to not be able to do their jobs effectively.

This is an extremely important issue that affects many people in their workplace. Our understanding lawyer knows that this is a sensitive issue and is prepared to represent you with compassion and dedication. We can help you find a solution that works for you and that keeps your private matters private.

Contact Us To Learn How We Can Help

No one should ever feel uncomfortable in his or her own workplace. If you are the victim of sexual harassment while on the job, contact our lawyer at the Sam Nicholson Law Office, PLLC, immediately.

Call today at 502-379-4116 to or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation to learn more about what our legal team can do for you.